Casa das Minas

The twilight of the sanctuary

Switzerland 2012. HD, colour, 80 min.

Casa das Minas – The twilight of the sanctuary. As one of Afro-Brazil’s most famous places of worship is about to vanish, this film bears witness to a living voodoo religion beyond all lurid clichés.

DirectorHili Leimgruber, Jens Woernle
ScriptHili Leimgruber, Edith Leimgruber
PhotographyJens Woernle
SoundNikolaus Woernle
EditingHili Leimgruber
MusicNikolaus Woernle
Duration80 min.
Screening formatsHD
Shooting formatXDCAM
Contact, World RightsHilli /Jens Woernle Leimgruber
Hermetschloostrasse 70, CH-8048 Zürich
ProductionFilmkollektiv Zürich AG