Traces Unseen

Antifascists in Switzerland 1933-1945

[original title:  Die unterbrochene Spur]

Switzerland 1982. DCP, Blu-ray, b/w, 144 min.

Image: La trace interrompue Image: La trace interrompue

The tracks of our history from 1933 to 1945.

Immigrant antifascists and refugees in Switzerland: their living conditions; their work in camps and illegal circles. The Swiss who accommodated them and who support their resistance work as printers or transporters of illegal documents, messengers across the border or through donations.

The vanishing tracks: documents, texts, films; memories, scenes of actions, monuments. Counterpoints to the image of Switzerland as a country of asylum.

Official Link / Website:

DirectorMathias Knauer
ScriptMathias Knauer
PhotographyRob Gnant
SoundAndreas Litmanowitsch
EditingMathias Knauer, Hannelore Küenzi, Rob Gnant
MusicRoland Moser
CollaboratorsAufnahmeleitung: Jürgen L. Karg
Duration144 min.
Screening formatsDCP, Blu-ray
Shooting format16mm ECN II
shooting27. 8. – 1. 11. 1980 (Hauptdrehzeit)
VersionsSchweizerdeutsch/Untertitel: deutsch; français, english, italiano
Restaurierte Version 2020
ReleaseSolothurn 1982
Festivals, AwardsMannheim 1982
Figuera da Foz 1982
Leipzig 1982
  ▶ Bibliography...
Dumont/Tortajada: Nr, 408.
Weitere Informationen zum Film und zum gleichnamigen Buch (Register, Materialien und Dokumente) finden sich auf der Website
Buy a DVDBlu-ray, im gleichnamigen Buch, Limmat Verlag 2020, ISBN 978-3-85791-899-5
Contact, World RightsMathias Knauer attacca Filmproduktion
Zollikerstrasse 259, CH-8049 Zürich
+41 44 493 49 11   +41 79 406 59 03
ProductionFilmkollektiv Zürich / Mathias Knauer

Official Link / Website: