Dear Doctor

[original title:  Lieber Herr Doktor]

Switzerland 1977. 16mm commag, colour+b/w, 64 min.

Image: Cher docteur

This film is the work of a group of film-makers. They began by making a 15 minute film showing an abortion filmed from a single camera position. Since it is women from country districts who are particularly in need of advice, it was decided to show the film in a country community. The filmmakers invited the inhabitants of Ennenda in the canton of Glarus to showing of the film and a subsequent discussion. The discussion was filmed, with the permission of the persons concerned, and forms the first part of the film. The second part of the film consists of the narrated experiences of women who have been involved in abortions. The collective opinion of the village community is confronted with the individual experiences of the women; the degree to which the personal perspectives of the women directly concerned succeed in correcting, contradiction or reinforcing the general attitude is left for the viewer to decide.

DirectorHans Stürm und eine Arbeitsgruppe des Filmkollektivs, der Infra, der VUAZ
ScriptFilmgruppe Schwangerschaftsabbruch
PhotographyHans Stürm, Carlo Varini, Hansueli Schenkel
SoundLuc Yersin, Nina Stürm, Peter Brotbeck
EditingFilmgruppe Schwangerschaftsabbruch
Duration64 min.
Screening formats16mm commag
Shooting format16mm
VersionsSchweizerdeutsch; Schweizerdeutsch/d; Dialecte+overvoice français
FestivalsSchweizerischer Filmkritikerpreis 1977
Locarno 1977, Mannheim 1077, Solothurn 1978
LiteratureDumont/Tortajada N°231 (t.1 p. 269); Zutavern p. 145-153; Fonjallaz p.88s–101
Contact, World RightsBeatrice Michel
Konradstrasse 81, CH-8005 Zürich
+41 44 272 07 06
ProductionFilmkollektiv Zürich
ISANISAN 0000-0000-D516-0000-N-0000-0000-5